Photo-shop Image Masking Service

 What is image masking?


Image masking is a photo-editing techniques. It is used to display some portion or sometimes it is used to conceal some portion of an image. Masking is really essential for complex photo retouching such as fur, hair, feather refinement. Masking techniques help us to correct all the defects and help to bring out the natural looks on a photo. Many researchers demonstrate that more than 40% client wants the image masking service on their product photo. It is really helpful to create an innovative and natural looking photo especially when the image contains furry things in it.

Why we need a masking service?

è Can detach transparent object background.

è Able to create collage photos. It helps to show the many pictures into one picture. We can use this for many website services Such as fashion magazine.

è masking is a process to conceal some section or to release some parts of an image. Generally, it is a very innovative way of image editing.

è Enhance any regions of a picture.

è Can create a natural looking photo.

There are different types of masking are available on photo-shop such as: layer masking , alpha channel masking , refine edge masking, color masking and many more . With the help of those masking techniques , we can create perfect and alluring photos for expanding our business.

Who needs photo-shop image masking service?

Ø  Professional photographers.

Ø  People who wants to expand their e-commerce business successfully all over the world.

Ø  Garments company .

Ø  Fashion industry .

Ø  Magazine company, media.

Ø  Besides these , people who wants to do something innovative with their photos , they also want this masking service.

What is layer masking?

Ø  Layer masking is a technique that allows us to disguise or display any section of an image. Use black color mask to disguise  , apply white color mask to present the layers which holds the layer mask . Basically layer mask is used for furry things. Creating an outline around the image, we can select the part we want to display or the part we want to disguise. Image masking technique helps us to detach the image background and can create a perfect background that match with the image color.

Ø  Choose layer > Add layer > Go to the menu> Choose brush tool> Apply black layer to disguise and make the forefront color into black Or Apply white layer to display and make the forefront color into white > color around the images. Save the file.

What is alpha channel masking?

Ø  Alpha channel masking  is a gorgeous technique that is applied on photos to make the pictures transparent and delicate. It is a pixel based masking. Alpha masking is also used for hairy things just like layer masking. But it is mainly used for complex photo editing . Alpha channel masking helps to minimize the file size .So it is useful for image transferring. It is also helpful for precising color, balance the brightness and opacity. It can detach the background and can give a beautiful posture.

What is Fur and hair masking?

Ø  When any image contains furry or hairy things in it, then we may not be able to touch-up and rectify the hairy things by using the clipping path technique. In such a case, we need to use the hair image masking technique and rectify the hairy things with soft margins. Hair masking service helps to polish up the image, can adjust the brightness so that it produces a perfect look.  The hair masking technique helps to cut out the hair painlessly and can put any color on the hair if it is required. The hair masking technique helps to generate an HDR quality photo. This technique can be used on animal hair, human hair, or any other furry things.

What is Refine edge masking?

Ø  When we allocate a new background for an object, sometimes the edges look very rough and hard. But we can bring the soft edges back by applying to refine edge masking techniques. Choose a quick selection tool /Object selection tool/ Magic wand tool and make an outline around the subject. Choose refine edge option from the options menu. Select a background that matches the photo. You can select it from the “View Mode”. Manage the edges. There will be four-pointer: smooth, feather, contrast, shift edge. Adjust this four-pointer and get the perfect effect. If the refine edge tool goes wrong, then use lasso tool. Choose “OUTPUT”. Select the “New layer with layer mask ” option. To get a perfect background, refine the edge is really great. Refine edge masking can be used when forefront color and background colors are dissimilar. To get a perfect hair shape, we can use this.

What is transparent object masking?

Ø  This technique is applied for detaching the glassy object from its actual background and create a new background that matches with the transparent object and can focus on the product too. Transparent objects are those objects which look crystal clear. Any object which looks like water is called a transparent object. Transparent object masking is a technique through which we can design any background color and can detach any undesired material by this procedure. Transparent objects are Glass, ice, crystal clear pots, crystal clear clothes and veils, bottles, and many more.

What is color masking?

Ø  Color masking improves the odd color  by using mask. Color masking is a procedure which allows us to manage the pixel values and therefore controlling the radius of the presented color to particular shades .  Color masking makes a picture custom -built . It can make a picture alive . Without color masking , the picture does not look good .

Lastly , Image masking services helps us to decorate the pictures with perfect background and so many other things . Image masking a time saver . It can work with the huge group of photos easily. We can use those pictures for magazine cover page, e-commerce website , brochures and many other sector. This is really great for making every picture outstanding and eye-grabbing. People are earning so much profit for this masking service. Masking service is really helpful for us.


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