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How to Copyright Photos

  Shot a picture, put it on the internet, and discovered it on someone else's website? This is the time to learn how to copyright your photo. It is easier than ever to put your photos on the internet. Unfortunately, it is also so easy for others to take and use those photos without your concern. Fortunately, copyright law is made to secure real creators. Just only by taking a photograph, you have the right to that photo—even if you don't put a copyright or trademark symbol. However, knowing how to utilize those rights and laws is another story. When you want to record your copyright, or just secure that intended content thieves already know that you know where you stand, you have options. Here's what knowledge you need to protect your ownership of your photos. At first, you have to know what is copyright of a photo.   What Is Copyright? When you apply copyright to a picture, that means that you have an exclusive right to reproduce the creation, to do derivative works ...

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